Yes you can! There is a universal feature called "Sub-Divisions". This allows you to segregate athletes by whatever category name you want to call it.
An example use case would be adding a "Region" option for a global competition. Similar to the Open.
Here's what you need to do:
Under Sub Divisions section, set USE Sub-Divisions to Yes
And then give define the Sub Division label, such as "Region"
Now proceed to adding the various sub-division options, such as: So-Cal, NorCal, MidWest, East Coast, etc.. whatever you want your values to be.
This enables a few new features:
Registration Form
Adds a new dropdown field called "Region" (since you named the subcategory that) to your Registration form
The values in that dropdown field will be what you defined in the Sub-Category section.
Athletes will be required to select a value from that field when they register
This adds a new dropdown to your leaderboard.
Now you will have the ability to filter your leaderboard by Division and Region
Check out these sample leaderboards.
This event ran 5 events in 5 different countries on the same weekend with 1 leaderboard.
This event segregated Athlete's by Age