We made it easy for you to figure out how many T-shirts you need to order for your athletes and volunteers.
If you need to view or edit a specific Athlete's t-shirt size.
Go to Athletes
Search for that athlete and click the Update icon
If you need to print a report:
There's 3 ways you can generate this:
Once you're ready to start ordering t-shirts, follow these steps:
Go to Reports
Click T-Shirt Order Sheet
The report will give you a quick breakdown of how many t-shirts you need to order by size and gender.
If you want to see a more detailed report of Athlete / T-Shirts:
Go to Reports
Click Athlete Check-In Sheet
If you want a bit more detail, you can export your entire Athlete list into Excel and create your own report.
Go to Reports
Locate Detailed Athlete List
Click Export Athletes