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Elimination Style Scoring

Tournament scoring

Michael avatar
Written by Michael
Updated over a week ago

An elimination style workout allows you to test athletes through a series of rounds before their final score reaches the leaderboard.

A typical scenario would be a 3 round format where athletes within a division attempt to make their way through all rounds to earn the best spot on the leaderboard. Using this example:

You have a division of 15 athletes.

You're running a 3 round elimination formatted workout (Opener, Semi Finals, Finals)

  • Opener - All athletes compete

  • Semi Finals - Top 10 athletes from the Opener

  • Finals - Top 5 athletes from the Semi-Finals

The opener will be broken into 3 heats, 5 lanes. Every athlete will compete in the opening round to determine who advances to the Semi-Finals.

Once all 3 heats are done, the top 10 within the Opener will advance to the Semi-Finals. That same workout is repeated, of all the athletes within the Semi-Finals, the top 5 scores will then advance to the Finals.

Once the finals are complete, the overall ranks will then be posted into the overall leaderboard.


  1. To set this up first create your workout and set it as an Is this an elimination style workout? to 'YES'

  2. Set how many rounds the workout will go through, in this example we'll set it to 3 (for the Opener, Semi Finals, and Finals).

  3. Set Scoring Type = For Repetitions: More is Better

  4. Set Unit of Measure = Round

    1. This will capture the last round the athlete completed

  5. Set your tiebreaker to For Time: Fastest is Better

    1. This will capture the score the athlete last received from their last round

Scoring Management:

Within Scoring, select the workout and then click "Launch Elimination Management", this will be the feature you'll use to manage the tournament through to the final round before pulled the final results back into the final leaderboard.

The way the scores will be presented on the leaderboard will be the last round the athlete completed and their finished score. So those that did not advance are stilled ranked amongst the others that did not advance.

For example,

  • if Athlete A was eliminated in the opening round, their score would be Round 1 + Completed Time, i.e. 1 + 02:00.00,

  • if Athlete B advanced to the Semi Finals, and is eliminated within that round, their score would be Round 2 + Completed Time, i.e. 2 + 03:00.00,

  • if Athlete C advanced to the Finals, and finished at 04:00.1, their score would be 3 + 04:00.00

On the leaderboard, the athletes would be ranked as followed:

1st: Athlete C with a score of 3 Rounds + 4:00.00

2nd: Athlete B with a score of 2 Rounds + 3:00.00

3rd: Athlete A with a score of 1 Round + 02:00.00

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