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Enable Judge Score Validation
Michael avatar
Written by Michael
Updated over a week ago

This feature allows you to delegate score validation to the Athlete's affiliate. This helps spread the responsibility to the Affiliate's coaches to judge and validate the Athlete's score online.

How it works

  1. Athletes have the option to perform the workout independent or judged by a qualified coach.

  2. When the athlete submits their score, they will select 'Performed Independently' or 'Judged by a Coach'

Performed Independently

  1. If they performed the workout independently, they will be asked to submit their score and video.

  2. Their score goes directly to the leaderboard.

Judged by a Coach

  1. If they perform the workout with a judge, they will be asked to submit their score and their judges details.  A video is optional by default (unless you explicitly make it required in the Scoring Setup)

  2. Athletes score goes to the leaderboard with an * notated next to their score indicating it's unofficial until their judge validates the score.

  3. The Judge will receive an email requesting them to log in and validate the athlete's score.  (Learn more here)

  4. The Judge will either Accept or Reject that score.

The Setup

To enable this feature:

  1. Go to Scoring Setup

  2. Check Required for 'Require a judge to validate Athlete scores?'

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