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Entering scores

Everything you need to know about entering scores.

Michael avatar
Written by Michael
Updated over a week ago

Applies to: Onsite Events

A few tips to ensure a smooth scoring process:

The scorecard:

  • pre-fill the scorecard with the competitors ID and Name - you will have scorecards come in with shorthand names which slows the process and makes it difficult to match up to the competitors in the system. To save you time, you can produce scorecard labels under Reports & Exports

  • make sure they're designed in a way it's easy for judges to understand and use

  • there is a spot for the final score or completed reps (if there is a time cap)

Make sure your judges:

  • review the scorecards beforehand

  • write legibly

  • are clear on what needs to be written on the scorecards

  • get a clear signature from the competitor (in case there are disputes, which is inevitable.)


  • stay organized and consistent

  • optimize your score entry flow by sorting scorecards by lane

  • tally up any final results on paper

  • enter and verify your input


To enter scores go to Scoring > Manage Scores

  • Select a the date of the workout > workout location (if you have multiple stages) > the workout > then pick your preferred entry view: Division or Heat.

  • At this point, it's straight data entry!

Key Features

When entering scores, you will see a visual confirmation when you save your score.  

When you're dealing with a lot of athletes, it's important to know how many scores you're expecting to ensure you account for all athletes.

As you enter scores, you can quickly target all athletes with missing scores by clicking the Missing scores button

Delaying vs Live Scoring

By default, the leaderboard is set to publish scores as soon as you enter scores.

If you turn on Delayed scoring (Learn more here), there is an extra step needed to publish your scores.

As you enter scores, they will save to the system, however WILL NOT immediate display on the leaderboard until you Publish the scores.

Here's a typical scenario:

You may want to hold off on displaying scores until a full division has completed a workout. So you'd enter scores as they they flow in and once the final set of scores have been entered, you then publish the scores. The advantage to this is you have a clear point standing per division as they complete each workout.

If Delayed scoring is enabled, you will have an additional visual indicator letting you know which scores are visible or hidden from the leaderboard.

  • Published indicates the score is on the leaderboard

  • Unpublished indicates the score is not on the leaderboard

Viewing the Leaderboard

As the score keeper, you have quick access to everything you need to report and view the scores.

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