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Adding and Managing Collaborators

I'd like to give my team access to my event

Michael avatar
Written by Michael
Updated over a week ago

Collaborator access allows you to share management controls of your event. This access level is generally reserved for team members with greater responsibilities in managing the logistics of your event.

  • Go to Collaborators

  • Click on the Collaborating Organizers tab

  • Click Invite and enter your team members email address.  (MAKE SURE it's the correct email, you don't want to invite an unknown person)

What happens next?

  • The invitee will receive an email requesting them to accept the invite. 

  • The invitation is active for 48 hours

  • Once accepted, they will have full access to your account until you explicit remove them from the collaboration list. 

Access Level

  • Full Access: will give your collaborator full access to your event with the exception of Refunding your customers.

  • Limited Access: will give your collaborator to the following sections

    • Event Setup

      • Pixel Management

      • Volunteer Setup

      • Collaborators

      • Email Athletes/Volunteers

    • Planning

      • Workouts

      • Reports

    • Participants

      • Athletes

      • Teams

      • Volunteers

      • Vendors

      • Waitlist

    • Social

      • Share & Display

      • Broadcast

    • Scoring

      • Manage Scores

      • Disqualify Competitor

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