There are a few scarcity features that allow you to generate buzz and urgency to capture registrations sooner than later.
You can go public with your event ahead of the actual registration start date. This will display of a countdown timer appears in place of the "Register" button. This will allow search engines to start indexing your event and your prospective registrants to locate your event page well ahead of the registration open date.
Looking to acquire more customers by offering a discounted price for a limited time. You can enable Early Bird pricing as a general discount or a discounted price by division. You can set an expiration option based on total number of spots sold or a specific date before the price rolls back to the regular price.
You can dictate when to display how many spots are left in each division by setting a percentage to your capacity. An ideal number would be 75%, this will alert any one on the edge to register before you sell out.
By default, a 24 hour timer will appear ahead of your registration closure date to again generate urgency for your prospective athletes to sign up before it's too late.
If you do sell out of a division, athletes can easily jump on your waitlist! Check out the related article below 👇
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